Address Work Group

The purpose and goals of the MetroGIS Address Workgroup are:

  • To clearly define and propose regional solutions for MetroGIS information needs related to address points data.
  • To examine methods of acquiring, creating, maintaining and sharing address points data and to recommend best practices where appropriate.
  • To educate developers and users of address data as to the broad scope of address related information needs that exist within individual organizations, as well as the MetroGIS community.
  • To define the opportunities that exist to meet these needs through cooperation, data sharing, and distributed data collection and maintenance programs.


Metro Address Standard Version 3.0
<Aligned to meet 911 needs>
(Approved on 10.10.2016)

Link to MetroGIS Address Points Dataset

MetroGIS Address Points Database Specifications
(Approved April 24, 2015)

MetroGIS Address Point Aggregation Project

MetroGIS Address Points Editor (Tool)

Regional Occupiable Units Address Dataset Vision 2005 [PDF]

Working Vision Statement (Endorsed April 2005) [PDF]



[email protected]


(Address Working Group membership roster to be posted here)


August 31, 2016
1:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Metro County Gov Center
2099 University Avenue, St Paul 55104

February 23, 2015
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Metro County Gov Center
2099 University Ave, St Paul

February 20, 2013
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Metro Counties Gov Center
2099 University Avenue, St. Paul

December 18, 2012
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Metro Counties Gov Center
2099 University Avenue, St. Paul

May 16, 2012
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Metro Counties Gov Center
2099 University Avenue, St. Paul

March 28, 2012
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Metro Counties Gov Center
2099 University Avenue, St. Paul