The following materials include articles and publications produced either by, or about the MetroGIS collaborative and its resulting projects and services.
MetroGIS Library
On Sunshine Week, A Salute to Data Sharers
James Eli Shiffer, March 2015
Abstract: Star Tribune Article interviewing Randy Knippel (Dakota County) and Geoff Maas (MetroGIS) on the movement of county governments on the path toward free and open geospatial data in 2014 and 2015.
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MetroGIS recommends 7 counties make geospatial data free and open
Alan Palazzolo, December 2013
Abstract: MinnPost article about MetroGIS Policy Board’s October 23, 2013 recommendation to the Seven Metropolitan County governments to make their public geospatial data publicly and freely available
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MetroGIS: Free & Open Access to Data, Research and Reference Documents
MetroGIS Data Producers Work Group, October 2013
Abstract: A summary white paper on benefits and challenges of making geospatial data publicly available including practitioner interviews, case law summaries, relevant statute language and disclaimer language examples.
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Implementing SDIs Through Effective Networking: the MetroGIS Geospatial Data Collaborative
Ian Masser and Randall Johnson, September 2006
Abstract: Originally appeared in GeoInformatics; providing background information on the origins, guiding vision, and organizational structure of MetroGIS and the experiences and impacts of MetroGIS on local, regional, national, and international geospatial data initiatives.
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MetroGIS: Sharing Information Across Boundaries
Randy Johnson, March 2005
Abstract: Provides a general overview of the MetroGIS mission, accomplishments, and benefits to the region.
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GIS Worlds: Creating Spatial Data Infrastructures
Ian Masser, April 2005
Abstract: Presents an overview of the Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) phenomenon and examines the evolution of the SDI concept in several nations. Describes the local, regional, national, transnational, and global organizations that have emerged to foster SDI development.
Book is available from ESRI Press (ISBN 978-1589481220)
Minnesota MetroGIS Geospatial Data Collaborative
Randy Johnson, 2005, Special URISA Journal, Volume 17, Number 2 (2005) 41-45;
Abstract: Best ESIG Awards From the 1st Half of the Decade.
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White Knights of Spatial Data Infrastructure: The Role and Motivation of Key Individuals
Dr. William Craig, Center for Urban and Regional Affairs, University of Minnesota, 2005, URISA Journal, 16(2), 2005, pp 5-13;
Abstract: Article about the successes of MetroGIS and the roles of key participating individuals in fostering that success.
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MetroGIS Deploys Data Distribution System: The Seven-County Minnesota Twin Cities Metropolitan Area Creates a Central GIS Repository
ArcNews, ESRI, Summer 2003
Abstract: Provides a general technical overview of the MetroGIS DataFinder Cafe.
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Minneapolis-St. Paul's MetroGIS: A Collaborative Effort Overcomes Obstacles to Data Sharing
Jeanne Landkamer, Metropolitan Council, March 2003, GeoWorld Magazine
Abstract: This four-page article, written by Jeanne Landkamer for MetroGIS, provides a good overview of MetroGIS's objectives and accomplishments. It was the cover story in the March 2003 issue of GeoWorld Magazine.
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MetroGIS: A Consortium of Local Governments Pulling Together for Spatial Data Management
Interview with Randy Johnson, MetroGIS Staff Coordinator, January 22, 2003, Directions Magazine
Abstract: Directions Magazine caught up with Randy Johnson at URISA this past year and he talked about the success of MetroGIS, which won the Exemplary Systems in Government Award at the conference. Mr. Johnson is the Staff Coordinator for this consortium that shares spatial technology resources.
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Collaborative Web-Enabled Data Distribution: The MetroGIS Experience
Mark Kotz and Alison Slaats, Metropolitan Council, 2002, ArcNews, ESRI
Abstract: Provides a general overview of MetroGIS from the perspective of data sharing and distribution.
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Lessons from Practice: A Guidebook to Organizing and Sustaining Geodata Collaboratives
Randy Johnson, MetroGIS Staff Coordinator, November 2001, National Geodata Alliance
Abstract: The purposes of this Guide were to assist existing geodata collaboratives to communicate and complement ongoing academic research to assist champions of aspiring collaboratives better understand what it takes to establish and sustain a successful geodata collaborative.
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The MetroGIS Initiative: A Model for GIS Collaboration
Victoria Reinhardt, Ramsey County Commissioner and MetroGIS Policy Board Chair; Randy Johnson, MetroGIS Staff Coordinator,
Abstract: A presentation to the United States House of Representatives.
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Making Metadata Part of Your Daily Diet
Tony Mathys, Metropolitan Council, August 1999
Abstract: This publication discusses strategies for implementing metadata as part of the standard work process for GIS data production and how MetroGIS is involved in that effort. The study concludes that it will take a combination of short and long-term strategies involving cooperative efforts, incentives, and new ideas to make metadata part of mainstream activities in the GIS community. Paper submitted to 1999 URISA Conference.
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GIS in Dakota County: Benefits Add Up
Donald D. Johnson and Dr. William Craig, Center for Urban and Regional Affairs, University of Minnesota, January 1997
Abstract: Dakota County has one of the most developed GIS systems in Minnesota. It was created in cooperation with 11 cities and the electric utility and is proving useful to all partners. This article documents the benefits identified as of 1996, focusing on county departments. The study has been widely cited and versions of it have appeared in GeoInfo Systems, Minnesota Cities, and FGDC funding requests.
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