Governance Overview
Policy Board
MetroGIS is governed by a Policy Board and Coordinating Committee. The Policy Board is comprised of county commissioners and senior county staff from the Seven Metropolitan Counties as well as elected representatives from metropolitan cities and executive-level representatives of watershed districts and school districts. The Policy Board is convened once per year in person to review the progress of MetroGIS initiatives and to discuss and act upon policy and other issues of import to the MetroGIS collaborative.
Coordinating Committee
The Coordinating Committee is comprised of management and senior technical staff from municipal, county, regional and state government, as well as representatives from the non-profit, academic, business geographics and utilities sectors. The Coordinating Committee sets the priorities of the annual MetroGIS Work Plan, programs its annual budget and provides support for its outreach and research activities and provides progress review and course correction of MetroGIS projects and initiatives.
Work Groups
Special purpose workgroups are created and convened at the discretion the Policy Board and Coordinating Committee and are tasked with specific project or research objectives.
Operatational Guidelines and Procedures
MetroGIS is governed by a set of operational guidelines and procedures. This document is amended periodically to address needed modifications to the collaborative governance structure or its activities.
MetroGIS Operational Guidelines and Procedures (Approved 4/27/2016)